I Don't Know About JS


Posted by pfan8 on November 15, 2020

I don’t know about JS

一、Additive & Unary



+function(){} // NaN
-function(){} // NaN
~function(){} // -1
+[] // 0
-[] // 0
~[] // -1
+{} // NaN
-{} // NaN
~{} // -1

But!你以为你就懂JS了吗?too young too simple,看看下面这些,猜猜结果是什么?

  • [] + []
  • {} + []
  • [] + {}
  • {} + {}
  • {} + {};

↓ (Chrome和Node的运行结果)

  • [] + [] // “”
  • {} + [] // 0
  • {} + []; // [object object]
  • [] + {} // [object object]
  • {} + {} // [object object][object object]
  • {} + {}; // NaN


================= 华丽的分割线 =================


  • unary
  • additive




Argument Type Result
Undefined Return NaN
Null Return +0𝔽
Boolean If argument is true, return 1𝔽
If argument is false, return +0𝔽
Number Return argument (no conversion)
String See grammar and conversion algorithm below
Symbol Throw a TypeError exception
BigInt Throw a TypeError exception
Object Apply the following steps:
1. Let primValue be ? ToPrimitive(argument, number)
2. Return ? ToNumber(primValue)


下面我们看additive operation,相比unary,这个操作就复杂一些了。ECMA2020中关于additive operation这样说:

The addition operator either performs string concatenation or numeric addition.



If opText is +, then

  1. Let lprim be ? ToPrimitive(lval).
  2. Let rprim be ? ToPrimitive(rval).
  3. If Type(lprim) is String or Type (rprim) is String, then
  4. Let lstr be ? ToString(lprim).
  5. Let rstr be ? ToString(rprim).
  6. Return the string-concatenation of lstr and rstr.
  7. Set lval to lprim.
  8. Set rval to rprim.


No hint is provided in the calls to ToPrimitive in steps 1.a and 1.b. All standard objects except Date objects handle the absence of a hint as if number were given; Date objects handle the absence of a hint as if string were given. Exotic objects may handle the absence of a hint in some other manner.

因此,当出现+(additive operation),就会对两个值进行ToPrimitive转换,转换完之后如果发现任意一个值是string,就全部转换为string再拼接,否则作为数值相加。Note说对于Date对象给hint是string,而其他object,如果hint没有指定就默认number。由于[]和{}都是object,所以ToPrimitive的hint是number


  1. Assert: input is an ECMAScript language value.
  2. If Type(input) is Object, then
    1. Let exoticToPrim be ? GetMethod(input, @@toPrimitive).
    2. If exoticToPrim is not undefined , then
      1. If preferredType is not present, let hint be “default”.
      2. Else if preferredType is string, let hint be “string”.
      3. Else,
        1. Assert: preferredType is number.
        2. Let hint be “number”.
      4. Let result be ? Call(exoticToPrim, input, « hint »).
      5. If Type(result) is not Object, return result.
      6. Throw a TypeError exception.
    3. If preferredType is not present, let preferredType be number.
    4. Return ? OrdinaryToPrimitive(input, preferredType).
  3. Return input.


  1. Assert: Type(O) is Object.
  2. Assert: hint is either string or number.
  3. If hint is string, then
    1. Let methodNames be « “toString”, “valueOf” ».
  4. Else,
    1. Let methodNames be « “valueOf”, “toString” ».
  5. For each element name of methodNames, do
    1. Let method be ? Get(O, name).
    2. If IsCallable(method) is true, then
      1. Let result be ? Call(method, O).
      2. If Type(result) is not Object, return result.
  6. Throw a TypeError exception.

瞬间就明朗了,就算hint是number,先取valueOf,得到[]自身,并不是primitive value,因此再一次toString了。因此[]转换成’‘,{}转换成’[object object]’。同时,如果你注意unary的Object处理rule,是先toPrimitive,然后再toNumber,所以对[],相当于toNumber(‘’);对{},相当于toNumber(‘[object object]’),从而得到0和NaN,如此就很make sense

二、 Comparison Operation(Relational/Equality)


NaN <= 0
NaN == 0
NaN < 0
NaN == NaN
// above are all false, as expected, but let's see below
null <= 0 // true
null >= 0 // true
null == 0 // false
null < 0 // false
null == null // true
1 + null // 1
typeof null // "object"




  • 对Abstract Relational Comparison
  1. If the LeftFirst flag is true, then
    1. Let px be ? ToPrimitive(x, number).
    2. Let py be ? ToPrimitive(y, number).
  2. Else,
    1. NOTE: The order of evaluation needs to be reversed to preserve left to right evaluation.
    2. Let py be ? ToPrimitive(y, number).
    3. Let px be ? ToPrimitive(x, number).
  3. If Type (px) is String and Type (py) is String, then
    1. If IsStringPrefix(py, px) is true, return false.
    2. If IsStringPrefix(px, py) is true, return true.
    3. Let k be the smallest non-negative integer such that the code unit at index k within px is different from the code unit at index k within py. (There must be such a k, for neither String is a prefix of the other.)
    4. Let m be the integer that is the numeric value of the code unit at index k within px.
    5. Let n be the integer that is the numeric value of the code unit at index k within py.
    6. If m < n, return true. Otherwise, return false.
  4. Else,
    1. If Type (px) is BigInt and Type (py) is String, then
      1. Let ny be ! StringToBigInt(py).
      2. If ny is NaN, return undefined.
      3. Return BigInt::lessThan(px, ny).
    2. If Type (px) is String and Type (py) is BigInt, then
      1. Let nx be ! StringToBigInt(px).
      2. If nx is NaN, return undefined.
      3. Return BigInt::lessThan(nx, py).
    3. NOTE: Because px and py are primitive values, evaluation order is not important.
    4. Let nx be ! ToNumeric(px).
    5. Let ny be ! ToNumeric(py).
    6. If Type(nx) is the same as Type(ny), return Type(nx)::lessThan(nx, ny).
    7. Assert: Type(nx) is BigInt and Type(ny) is Number, or Type(nx) is Number and Type(ny) is BigInt.
    8. If nx or ny is NaN, return undefined.
    9. If nx is -∞𝔽 or ny is +∞𝔽, return true.
    10. If nx is +∞𝔽 or ny is -∞𝔽, return false.
    11. If (nx) < (ny), return true; otherwise return false.

前面对于null都不满足,于是走到了第4步else,4.4 nx be !ToNumeric(px),得到0,于是,0 <= 0是true,但是0 < 0是false,这就是为什么null <= 0但是不null < 0了。

那么为什么null == 0是false呢,因为==和<=在ECMA中走的flow不同,==执行Abstract Equality Comparison,其rule对应如下

  • 对Abstract Equality Comparison
  1. If Type(x) is the same as Type(y), then
    1. Return the result of performing Strict Equality Comparison x === y.
  2. If x is null and y is undefined, return true.
  3. If x is undefined and y is null, return true.
  4. NOTE: This step is replaced in section B.3.7.2.
  5. If Type(x) is Number and Type(y) is String, return the result of the comparison x == ! ToNumber(y).
  6. If Type(x) is String and Type(y) is Number, return the result of the comparison ! ToNumber(x) == y.
  7. If Type (x) is BigInt and Type (y) is String, then
    1. Let n be ! StringToBigInt(y).
    2. If n is NaN, return false.
    3. Return the result of the comparison x == n.
  8. If Type(x) is String and Type(y) is BigInt, return the result of the comparison y == x.
  9. If Type(x) is Boolean, return the result of the comparison ! ToNumber(x) == y.
  10. If Type(y) is Boolean, return the result of the comparison x == ! ToNumber(y).
  11. If Type(x) is either String, Number, BigInt, or Symbol and Type(y) is Object, return the result of the comparison x == ? ToPrimitive(y).
  12. If Type(x) is Object and Type(y) is either String, Number, BigInt, or Symbol, return the result of the comparison ? ToPrimitive(x) == y.
  13. If Type (x) is BigInt and Type (y) is Number, or if Type (x) is Number and Type (y) is BigInt, then
    1. If x or y are any of NaN, +∞𝔽, or -∞𝔽, return false.
    2. If (x) = (y), return true; otherwise return false.
  14. Return false.

可以看到,对于null == 0的比较,没有满足的条件可以找到,所以到14返回false。


[] == true // false
[] == '' // true
!![] // true


Argument Type Result
Undefined false
Null false
Boolean return argument
Number if argument is +0𝔽, -0𝔽, NaN, return false; otherwise return true
String if argument is the empty String, return false; otherwise return true
Symbol true
BigInt if argument is 0, return false; otherwise return true
Object true



function bar() {
function foo() {
    var myName = '老袁';
var myName = '京城一灯';


var myName;



  • 浏览器什么时候会GC,即便是给引用赋值为null,也不会立马执行GC,对象仍然存在于内存空间中
  • 而且使用闭包应当注意,因为一旦使用闭包,就会造成类似的问题,闭包的数据无法被回收,造成内存泄漏
  • 对于eval()函数更甚,使用eval的地方就会形成闭包,因为eval里万一有需要使用的变量,宿主环境是无法负责的,因此只能给你闭包起来保证变量在这,所以使用eval要小心
  • 即便你要使用eval,使用window.eval()可以避免内存泄漏问题,因为这个命令就是让eval到全局window去查找需要的变量
  • with,遇到with里的变量,放弃所有GC,并且将变量丢到全局
  • try catch中的catch(e),e也会造成内存泄漏



var a = 'outside'
function init() {
    var a = 'inside';
    var fn1 = new Function(console.log(a));
    var fn2 = new Function('console.log(a)');
fn1(); // inside
fn2(); // outside



typeof String // function



Object.prototype.a = 'o';
Function.prototype.a = 'f';
var Person = function(){}
console.log(Person.a) // 'f'
console.log(new Person().a) // 'o'
1..a // 'o'




七、Meta Programming


var obj = {'a':2, 'b':3};
Object.defineProperty(obj, Symbol.iterator, {
    value: function() {
        var o = this;
        var idx = 0;
        var ks = Object.keys(o);
        return {
            next: function() {
                return {
                    value: o[kx[idx]],
                    done: idx > ks.length,
for(let v of obj) {
    console.log(v); // done



var yideng = {
    [Symbol.toPrimitive]: ((i) => () => ++i;)(0),

if((yideng == 1) & (yideng == 2) & (yideng == 3)) {
    console.log('success here') // done


  • TCO尾递归优化,可以通过TCO_ENABLE=true打开(hosting支持的话)
  • Reflect也是基于元编程实现,例如npm库reflect-metadata,做IOC会用到


  • async,await是microtask,不是macrotask,但是会保存变量,类似闭包,保存await的环境
  • await就是Promise.then
  • JS是单线程执行,但是V8有多个线程辅助,


  • Concurrent.Thread.js (Web Worker不灵的时候,可以临时替代)
  • web worker
  • 现在基本都用原子锁了